Friday, February 20, 2009

Here it is! Our first site of the week feature. Since this is the first edition, I selected a website that I have on my google homepage and that I read everyday (well, 5 days a week anyway) It is David Ziser's Digital Pro Talk blog and you can link to it here.

This is a blurb straight from his website that tells you a bit about him:

"David Ziser, an internationally renowned portrait and wedding photographer, has shared his knowledge with ten’s-of-thousands of photographers, in 5 languages, and in 14 countries worldwide. Studio Photograph magazine has extolled..."Award winning photographer, David Ziser, is showing the world how to take wedding pictures." His "Digital WakeUp Call tour was acclaimed as one of the "best ever" seminars on digital photography. "

His blog has new content every week day and is packed with tons of tips on digital photography, lightroom, lighting, ans business. He is a great source of both knowledge and information so check him out!

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