Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Site of the Week!

Hey guys, well it is Friday (!) and this is also my 50th blog post. Kinda exciting - hopefully for people other than just me...yes, I am fishing for comments. If you'd like to leave some feel free.

Today's site also comes with an announcement that if you follow me on Twitter (MollieTobias) you already heard about. I have signed up to lead a local Sandhills area chapter of Scott Kelby's 2nd annual worldwide photowalk! What is the worldwide photowalk? Glad, you asked. It leads us to our link for site of the week here.

Go to the main site to read what the photowalk is about, see pictures from the winners last year, and sign up to be part of a walk (like mine). Wait, did I say winners? You mean, like, they have prizes and stuff? Yes, that is exactly what I mean. After the walk you upload your pictures to the worldwide photo site and then winners are selected from each location and there are also winners selected overall. They even give out prizes. What prizes, I have no idea because they have not posted them yet, but it does say that the overall winner - as picked by Scott Kelby - will get a mega prize pack. I'll have to keep you all updated.

If you happen to be in the Sandhills area and want to sign up for my photowalk you can do so at Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!


Mollie's Dad said...

Hey kid your Dad is proud of you and your cool blog!

Mollie Tobias said...

Thanks for the nice compliment even though I know that you have to love me anyway! I should have my portfolio website up and running in the next month or so.