Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1st runner up and some Flickr Love

Happy Hump Day! As promised I have the 1st runner up photo to post today. This image is courtesy of John Gessner. John will be receiving a 1.5" Vivitar photo viewer keychain and a lens cleaning kit from Staples.

I will admit that I have an affinity for old and broken things, but that is not why I chose the image. First, there is the clearly defined focal point and the leading lines of the buildings. Next, will you look at that great sky? I am going to go out on a limb here and say that there has been some post-processing applied to the photo. I really like that the post technique makes the scene so vivid. I also like that the background of the image looks very much like a walk on a sunny day and the foreground of the photo looks a little dirty, grungy, and maybe even a little scary. The image makes me feel like I am walking out of the dark and towards someplace bright in the future. It makes me start thinking of stories to go along with it and that is why I chose it as 1st runner up.

Just for fun, in case you have not already gone and uploaded your photos or looked at the ones already there, I am including a selection of some of my favorite photos from the flickr group ( Enjoy!

(In case you were curious, none of these images are mine. All are from our wonderful photowalk participants!)

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