Monday, March 16, 2009

Today's post is dedicated to highlighting an event that I took part in this past Saturday in conjunction with the Junior League of Moore County. The JLMC is a women's volunteer organization open to all ladies 21 and over in Moore County and is part of a larger, national organization American Junior Leagues International (AJLI). Their mission is (paraphrased) to help young women at risk in our community and to help develop the potential of our membership. I have been a member of the JLMC for three years and I currently hold a board position. Their mission is something that I obviously support which is why I am taking the time to feature it here.

This past weekend the JLMC held their 3rd Junior League Academy for Success, which is a program that we conduct twice a year. There are both life skills sessions - how to open a checking account, get into college, select a career, or make smart choices for your future - and life enrichment sessions - make-up and skin care, cooking, drawing, creative writing, yoga.

This session we offered College Knowledge, Career Choices, Smart Choices Strong Futures, Yoga, Glamour Girls, and Creative Expressions. The girls attending were middle school students from the Robbins area of Moore County.

I have attached some pictures from the day and will be posting the complete set on my flickr page in the near future!

In the Creative Expressions session girls learned some marker and pencil drawing techniques and drew self-portraits.

A Junior League member with her 3 "buddies". All of the girls were paired with a League member throughout the day.

A League member cheers while the girls at her table examine the contents of the swag bags that they earned for attending.

Some of the members of the JLMC after the awards ceremony

The League's Community Chair making the rounds and lunch and chatting with the girls
A League member and some of the participants learning some yoga poses.

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