Monday, July 6, 2009

Picture Monday and then some...

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great holiday weekend. I sure did try to but somehow I ended up working a lot more that I should have. I did however get to eat some hamburgers and make a stop at First Friday in Southern Pines.

If you saw the Pilot on Friday, you may have seen the full page spread of my photos from Pinestock and the article on the photowalk. I am posting some of the Pinestock photos that didn't make the paper below as part of Picture Monday, but first some photowalk updates:

We have 20 people registered and I have gotten a great response from the article in the Pilot. Keep it up everyone!

Next, here is a link to a short video showing you some things to be sure that you do before the photowalk:

I will also be listing some more links for the photowalk this Friday for the Friday sites of the week that will cover some FAQs, what a photowalk is all about, gear suggestions, and tips so stay tuned for that and be sure to check back on Friday.

As a side note: since my official website launched you can now access the blog by going to and clicking on the "blog" image on the splash screen.

Okay, on to the images!

Kim Kirkpatrick, face painter extraordinaire was one of the many great vendors at the concert.

Bailey and Devon were on hand spreading the word about Mira, a seeing eye dog foundation.

Volunteers did all of the painting for the signs and the stage, which looked great!

The concert was organized to benefit the boys and girls club.

This one was actually my favorite from the day. I love the way the colors swirl around in the background and the reflection in his glasses.
Have a great week everyone and be sure to check back Wednesday for some tutorial fun.

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